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Technology is omnipresent. Computers, mobile phones and apps have become indispensable and are taken for granted. The algorithms know us and guide our search for knowledge, confidence and belonging. This year's BILDRAUSCH is entitled Technology, my Love. What was once science fiction is now an everyday reality. Are machines making us better people? Are they perhaps even superior to us? And what are the endless streams of data doing to our relationships?


Artistically self-confident, stylistically courageous films with integrity in their own narrative form form the backbone of this section. These films provide an insight into current realities and create visions of cinematic developments. The questioning of authority and identity takes centre stage, as do the interpersonal relationships that dominate our complex everyday lives with all their nuances. The film screenings will be accompanied by Q&As with the filmmakers. The jury will award one film with the Peter-Liechti-Award. The audience will vote for another film for the Audience Award.


What once sounded like science fiction has become part of our everyday private and public lives. Technology is omnipresent almost everywhere. We live quite naturally with computers, mobile phones and apps that use algorithms to control our needs for knowledge, security and belonging. Thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), machines are learning faster and faster. We benefit from many things, but at the same time it is hard to predict what consequences these developments will have.

In FOKUS, we examine how migration has changed through video telephony, what we see in places that are not actually allowed to be filmed, how we can live other identities in video games and how the boundaries between virtual and real worlds are becoming blurred. The films in the Focus section have a chance of winning the Audience Award, with the exception of the science fiction films.


Swiss filmmakers surprise with innovative, profound and playful approaches. A playground between graduation film and established film career. A jury will award the short film prize to one of the films shown.